Hey, It’s Jill Powers and although I don’t write many blog posts, I’m SO excited to be a part of this one!
Today, I’m honored to introduce you to my sweet parents, Mark and Vanessa Taylor who are about to celebrate 36 years of marriage! For as long as I can remember, my dad has said to my mom, “Babe, I’m so glad I joined the Navy!”. That’s because they met in Scotland when my dad was on a submarine and my mom is from the Highlands of Scotland! My parents have consistently been one of the best examples of how to be loving parents who put God first, their relationship second, and their family third. As a wife and a mother, I now, more than ever, am so thankful for the standards they set and the values they instilled in me and my siblings!
I hope you enjoy learning a little more about their story…and I, too, am so glad my dad joined the Navy! 🙂
How long have you been married?
36 years on July 24
3 kids and 5 grandchildren, with the 6th arriving any day now!
We met in Scotland when Marks submarine docked in the Holy Loch. We dated for about 6 months, broke up, and lost touch for a year. Mark knew I was the one and was moping one day when his friend said: “just call her.” He called my Mom in Scotland who called me in the Channel Islands. I called Mark and realized too, that he was the one. We were married 2 months later
We started our marriage off finding out I was pregnant. I am so glad that God takes our messes and not only redeems them but makes something beautiful out of them. Our marriage was the beginning of our putting our messy lives behind us and entrusting ourselves and our marriage to God.
As we look back on the years – our children and their spouses and now grandchildren are most definitely our greatest joys. The many times we were able to travel as a family to Scotland so that our family all have strong bonds with each other, despite the distance is an incredible blessing to us.
It costs a lot in terms of commitment and sacrifice but it is most definitely worth every effort. Leaving my family in Scotland and not having family close by as our children grew up was a sacrifice, but we are so very thankful that we were able to go to Scotland every other year and spend summers there so the bonds were established and remain strong today.
You and your spouse are bricks – a relationship with Jesus is the mortar – without Him – marriage is much less than it could be. The good news is it’s never too late to add the mortar.