The Marriage Stories Series: Brenda and Kevin James

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How long have you been married?

35 years

Do you have kids? Grandkids? How many?

3 married children . . . Katelyn, age 30, married to Michael, and parents to Evy, age 22 months, Baby James who is with Jesus ❤️, and Baby #3 due April 2019; Emily, age 28, married to Joe, and parents to Micah, age 2 (almost! 12/25) , and Baby #2 due January 2019; Corey, age 24, married to Morgan.

Tell us your love story! How did you meet?

We met at the University of Virginia, where we were both involved in the ministry of the Baptist Student Union. We dated for one year. Kevin proposed following his 21st birthday party, on the steps of his high school, John Handley High School in Winchester, Virginia. We were engaged for one year, were married following Kevin’s graduation from UVA, and then lived in married student housing for another year while Brenda completed her Senior year.

What’s your favorite memory from your wedding day?

Kevin – “Seeing Brenda coming down the aisle”
Brenda – “Seeing Kevin’s BIG smile as I came down the aisle!”

What have been some struggles in your marriage? How did you overcome them?

– Making time for us . . . learning to balance ministry needs, family needs, personal needs, and time for us. . . This is still a challenge!
– Communication differences . . . early in our marriage, we made a commitment to attend some type of marriage retreat annually, where tips for healthy communication were encouraged.

What have been some great joys of your marriage?

– Sharing a Christ-centered commitment
– The gift of Children, and now Grandchildren!
– Raising our children to know and love Jesus
– Making Family memories . . . like camping/4-wheeling trips!

What is one thing that you’ve learned from marriage?

Giving and receiving GRACE!

What’s your best piece of advice for newlyweds?

Make a lifelong commitment to set aside a weekly date night, and give it priority status by putting it on your calendar. Don’t let anything, except an emergency, interfere with that commitment!!


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