Friday Introductions!

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Around the Farm

Hey y’all! We’ve been keeping a little secret for the past few months that we’ve been dying to tell you! My wife, Jill, can attest, I am the worst secret keeper. I have successfully surprised her on two occasions, when I first asked her out in college (I had no chance so she definitely didn’t see that coming), and when I asked her to marry me! Every other surprise attempt has been varying levels of failure. She always figures me out!! So I’m impressed I made it this long on this one with y’all! About 8 months ago, one of our dear friends and fellow Lexington locals started helping us out with administrative, social media, and client care stuff. She has been such a blessing to Big Spring, to our couples, and to our family, and it’s been awesome to watch her grow the role she was given into something really special. So without further ado, let’s meet Mary Margaret! 


Tell us about your family! My husband Tim and I have been married for three years now! We met in college, the very first day to be exact, and have been together ever since! We lived in Charlotte for two years while Tim was working for the minor league baseball team there. Then in 2014, we moved to Lexington so he could work at Rockbridge Alum Springs, a Young Life Camp. We absolutely love Lexington and can’t believe we ever thought a big city was for us! Just this past December, we welcomed our baby girl! Anna Beth was born on Christmas Eve, which will forever be remembered as one of the best days of my life! We are smitten, to say the least. She has the best smile and loves people!

So how did you find out about Big Spring? Tim and I knew Buddy and Jill in college and we shared a lot of mutual friends. Though we didn’t keep in touch, we had heard through the grapevine that they had recently moved to Lexington. When we started planning our first visit to the area, we immediately reached out to them! Once we moved here, we reconnected with Buddy and Jill and learned about all they were doing at Big Spring. We’ve loved watching the farm grow and have enjoyed being a part of it!

Where did you go to college, and what did you study? After fighting my parents on the whole “in state” thing, I visited Christopher Newport University and fell in love! Though my stubbornness tried to fight it, I eventually succumbed and attended CNU. It was by far one of the best decisions of my life! I still love that place. I met some great people who are still some of my best friends.  I studied English and Secondary Education. I’ve taught Middle School English for the past four years. 

What’s one of your favorite memories from your wedding day? There are so many good ones it’s hard to pick a favorite! I think the best thing about any wedding day is that all of your favorite people, from all walks of life, are in one place to celebrate you and your spouse. It didn’t really occur to me how excited other people were for us until I saw them all at the reception and spoke to our friends and family. I loved greeting our guests after dinner with my new husband. I’ve never felt so loved or celebrated. So many people traveled so far to be with us and it meant so much! Not  only did we walk away from that day married, but encouraged by the love and support poured out to us! 

Describe your ideal day off!  I love to be outside! A perfect day off would start with a cup of coffee and some time reading in my favorite chair. Then, a short run and a quick check-in with the garden to see what’s bloomed! The rest of the day I would spend outside with my family. Hiking,swimming, walking downtown, or picnicing in our own yard are all good with me. Just give me my two favorite people and some sunshine and I’m happy! I’d end the day with a nice leisurely dinner with friends (a steak if I’m being specific) and a glass of wine! 

You’re an English Teacher right? What’s your favorite book? Oh, this is such a hard question! I love Anne of Green Gables. It’s such a happy book that transports you to a simpler time and fosters imagination and confidence in your identity. It is just the sweetest book. Pride and Prejudice, Harry Potter, Tom Sawyer, Sarah, Plain and Tall, and anything by Jen Hatmaker (she’s hilarious and real, check her out!) are other favorites. Can you tell I’m a historical fiction nerd?

If you could go anywhere in the world (pretend you don’t have a 4 month old haha!), where would you go? Italy! I’ve wanted to go to Italy since I was a little girl! I’m not completely sure what sparked that dream, but I have a feeling it had something to do with gelato and pasta. 🙂

What’s one of your favorite things about working at Big Spring? I truly love seeing how unique each couple’s day is. It’s sometimes hard to believe that couples can create such different atmospheres at the same venue, but their personalities as a couple always shine through. I also love that I get to play a small part in the best day of their lives. It’s pretty special to be a part of that. Our weekly play dates with our buddy Knox are pretty great too!

Thanks MM, we love you!! 





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grab your guide

The first step to having a seamlessly stress-free wedding day is a great timeline! This guide will give you five tips *AND* two sample timelines to get you started. Cheers to an unforgettable wedding day! 



five tips for a